Our Key Focus Areas

How We Do It

Since 2008, Elephant Charge Zambia (ECZ) has raised money through the annual Elephant Charge off-roading event for conservation causes across Zambia. Elephant Charge UK (ECUK) is a UK-based charity established to support and further these charitable aims, and to generate new income streams independent of the Elephant Charge event.

ECUK builds on ECZ’s longstanding work championing positive environmental stewardship through EDUCATION & LOCAL EMPOWERMENT – including cultivation of a pro-conservation mindset that seeks positive solutions to the very real problems of living alongside wildlife.


ECUK is a trusted, knowledgeable partner at the front line of African conservation – one that can illuminate the Zambian conservation space, identifying worthy home-grown initiatives that are often invisible to the outside world, and directs funds to where they are most needed, and where they are most impactful at a local level.


We foster environmental stewardship in Zambian schools, empowering young people to protect and sustain their natural heritage.

Leadership Development

We nurture future conservation leaders through scholarships, internships, and training, equipping them to tackle environmental challenges.

Community Empowerment

We support communities in adopting sustainable practices, ensuring they co-exist harmoniously with wildlife and preserve ecosystems.

Community & Wildlife In Zambia

What Do You See?

A. Elephant
B. Community
C. Human-Wildlife Conflict

What’s Happening?

Elephant Charge




Event Day



Neddy Mulimo (Chongololo & Chipembele club member)
Our children deserve to experience wildlife and understand that their ancestors protected these animals for future generations. It's our responsibility to continue that legacy, ensuring the preservation of nature for them to appreciate and cherish, just as their predecessors once did.
The Kafue Flats Restoration Partnership
Elephant Charge support enables us to engage with schools and the Kafue Flats community, not only in appreciating the value of its resources but also in mobilizing their support and participation towards developing a community stewardship approach for the sustainable development of the Kafue Flats.
Game Rangers International
With Elephant Charge funding, we educate the next generation, provide conservation benefits, and support peaceful coexistence with wildlife. We empower communities, enhance livelihood security, and share knowledge with conservation partners, fostering a network for sustainable wildlife protection.
Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust
With Elephant Charge's generous support, Chipembele has reached thousands, including school children, through engaging conservation education. Recent funding has enabled us to expand into remote areas, further increasing our conservation impact and connecting with more communities.