Elephant Charge support enables us to engage with schools and the community in Kafue Flats not only in appreciating the value of the resources of the Kafue Flats but mobilising their support and participation in jointly developing a community stewardship approach to the sustainable development of the Kafue Flats
With Elephant Charge funding we are able to educate and inspire the next generation, provide tangible benefits from conservation and support communities to live peacefully alongside wildlife. Elephant Charge not only enables us to empower communities with improved access to information, livelihood security and wildlife-safe deterrents but also connects us with conservation partners across the country, with whom we share knowledge, resources and lessons
General Manager
Thanks to the generous ongoing support of Elephant Charge, Chipembele has been able to reach thousands of community members, including school children, with an innovative and engaging conservation education program. More recently, the funding has allowed us to expand our reach into even more remote areas, further increasing our conservation impact
General Manager
Rural communities in South Luangwa are being put at the forefront of wildlife conservation. Together we are addressing Human-Wildlife Coexistence challenges, ensuring communities who live next to the park share in its wonders on community game drives, and raising awareness and opening dialogue on conversation topics with local radio shows. Elephant Charge support makes a real difference at grass roots level
The support from Elephant Charge is the conveyer and lifeline of BirdWatch Zambia's Environmental Education through which we have been able to reach and impact 3113 pupils in over 34 schools this year